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Videos With Tag: "shawn wolbert"

August 2012: Interest Rate Risk

August 2012: Interest Rate Risk

This August issue of CUBE TV will provide you with information on the NCUA's new guidance on interest rate risk and newly required IRR program and policy. For additional information you can access the NCUA IRR Guidance and the Interagency Ruling. The...

Small Credit Union Definition

Small Credit Union Definition

At the NCUA Board meeting on January 10th the National Credit Union Administration amended the definition of a small entity raising the asset threshold from 10 million dollars to 50 million dollars.  This new threshold will bring regulatory relief...

CFPB MLO Compensation

CFPB MLO Compensation

On January 20th the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau amended the Truth in Lending Act to implement loan originator compensation requirements dictated by the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. Two sections of the new requirements...